Maryna Verbytska

Maryna Verbytska is an acclaimed Ukrainian painter and member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. She graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Graphics and Art (now St. Petersburg) in 1978. She has received multiple national and international prizes and awards, including the prestigious Lesya Ukrainka Award (2021). Maryna’s work has been presented in national and international exhibitions, with paintings acquired by museums (in Ukraine, Poland, and elsewhere).

Works presented here include a range of still-life paintings, landscape depictions and portraits. She has also produced posters, murals, and outdoor installations. Maryna’s paintings are often shaped and influenced by vintage frames that she sources and restores herself.

Maryna had to flee her home in Zhytomyr because of the war that Russia wages on Ukraine. Her family remain in the country. Since January 2023, Maryna has lived in Edinburgh, her residence being supported by the Homes for Ukraine scheme. Much of her artwork remains in Ukraine or has been lost during the events of the war.
